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/ TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group / TPUG Users Group CD / TPUG Users Group CD.iso / AMIGA / (A)F / (A)F2.ADF / Set1Fonts / Centura / 24 / Centura-24.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1991-09-16  |  41KB
Labels: box | door | fence | person | reckoner | road | shelf | sky | stairway
OCR: abealefghijklnnopirstuvwxyz ABCDEFCHIJIKL LANOPORSTUVWXYA 012345679 =,.[]}|\;/ The quick fox stun! over the lazy dog. 1 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The qick browu fox junps the lazy dog 31 The uick fox iwns the doy The wick fox iws the lazy doy. TIc wick TTX iws the The uick fux ARCDEFCHJIKL ANOPORSTUVWXY wiclt laxy yvick bown yick jwnps lizy qwick jwps